Our editorial sets out to capture your individual skills, expertise and how you have reached the top of your profession, giving your professional network the chance to get to know you by gaining a valuable insight into your working philosophy, experience and career highlights.
The result is a great marketing tool which can be promoted by WLA and your own network via online channels and incorporated into printed marketing materials.
The cost to create your spotlight is USD 500 and this includes the associated journalist and design costs. (You will retain full copyright of the final piece).
For more information on pricing, please contact us via marketing@worldlawalliance.com or call +91 8505 999 819
We are a hybrid, distributed law practice.
Bringing the power of leading law firms, credible professionals and domain experts in 100+ countries - working seamlessly across geographies, industries and practices to tackle your complex global challenges.
World Law Alliance (WLA) refers to one or more of WLA & WONE member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity.
All information contained on the World Law Alliance WLA website is for information and reference purposes only and should not be treated as providing legal advice.