World Law Alliance

Viktor Johansson

Viktor Johansson Claimed

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Profile Overview

Founder of legal tech startup digip. Team digip work hand in hand with our clients and partners to digitize the IP protection market. Intellectual property are the most valuable assets in businesses today. digip empowers our clients to protect and establish unique brand positioning. 

I started out as a IP counsel but transitioned into strategic and commercial roles in the Internet/Digital sector. This move has been fantastic for me and I really enjoy evolving people and businesses. My passion is to create and implement commercial strategies that turn into real actions and results.

Outside of work I enjoy the great outdoors. Harmony is important and being alone in the woods at dawn is a nice balance to the sometimes hectic business life. I also like football, traveling and cooking.

I love making new professional acquaintances so please feel free to reach out if you want to discuss technology, business or what to throw on the grill.

Specialties: Commercial Strategy, Intellectual Property, Management, Coaching, Consultative Selling.